Monday 14 October 2013

Discover IT® Credit Card Review – Top Cash Back Card

Photo Credit: Alin S
Discover IT® Credit Card – The brief
The Discover IT® credit card is a revolutionary product for individuals with excellent credit scores. So, if you are one then you must read what is given below. It may be nice to go for this product even when you have “good” credit score and you are able to pay back the money on time. But, if you are none, then better skip the pain.
Discover IT® Credit Card – The review
If you are a regular reader of newspapers, you must have heard about the Discover IT® card. But, the small advertisement in the newspaper, may not tell details about this product. Let's discuss the pros and cons of this product in detail.

There are many benefits of this product like no annual charge, no over limit penalty, no pay-by phone fees, no penal interest rate for late payment etc. Such features are revolutionary for the credit card parties. No wonder if this card can be termed as “fee-free card”.
Discover IT®Credit Card comes with excellent promotional rates. On the first It card, one can get a NIL interest rate for almost 14 months if you do a balance transfer to this card from another card. For the second Discover It credit card, this can be as high as 18 months.
This card also has great cash back scheme. For some categories, it can be as high as 5%, but 1% cash back is normally available for all purchases.

There is also one college Discover IT® Credit Card variant, with benefits and features much better than the other similar cards for college students. The final and the best benefit of the Discover IT® 

Credit Card are the great customer service. When you call them, there is always a live representative to talk to you. It is not like other companies, which make you pass through the pick and choose automated options and long commercials. This can sometimes be very irritating if someone has lost his card and he is made to listen to commercials for 5 minutes.
There are many other such benefits, but let us cut the discussion on benefits short and discuss some of the negatives.

Normally a person with good credit scores only will be able to get this card. But, if you have a good credit score then the interest that you will pay will be more than what you can get from other products. For persons with excellent credit scores, the interest rates will be quite competitive to be about 11%. But you may pay interest as high as 22%, even when you have the “good” score. This seems to be a bit high.


The bottom line is that Discover IT® card is definitely a unique product among the credit card basket. The benefits are far greater than the negatives, especially for individuals with excellent credit history. This product is a much better choice for persons with excellent credit history.

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